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Technique: Charting for Momentum Trading

Benefits of Momentum Trading

  • Takes advantage of market volatility

  • Uses MMT’s proprietary Advanced Charting software

  • Trades are relatively short term, reducing exposure to market risks

  • Can be very profitable in a short amount of time


What is Momentum Trading?

  • Uses MMT’s proprietary Advanced Charting software to select entry and exit points in stocks and options

  • Identifies “sweet spots” where bias is for dramatic price movement

  • Takes advantage of short term price swings


Comprehensive Training


Momentum Trading – An Object In Motion Tends To Stay In Motion

MMT’s Momentum Trading strategy is made possible by Advanced Charting, a proprietary charting software platform developed by Micro-Moment Trading. Advanced Charting allows investors to identify “sweet spots”, identifying when momentum is about to occur. Sweet!


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